A New Creative Avenue?

As lockdown continues (although thankfully now less restrictive), arts and crafts along with baking, seem to have become an almost compulsory activity while everything else is inaccessible to us. I therefore thought it was about time I turned my hand to some creative work and decided a self-portrait would be the place to start.

As a first attempt I feel I have made a decent fist of it but believe I may have accidentally portrayed my image as a rather younger version of myself here. Somehow, between my first outline and the final instance, I seem to have slimed down and lost several years!

However, I believe there is a saying, attributed to the master Leonardo De Vinci, that ‘Art is never finished, only abandoned’, and here I have reached a point where I am ready to share what I have done with the world and move on to another project.

For this work I decided to try my hand at oil pastels. I may venture forth with other mediums to see if I have more success there, but doubt I will be troubling the Artist or even my dear friend, the Professor’s, achievements in the art field in the immediate future.